AI Revolution: Keep Your Business Ahead, Securely.

AI Revolution: Keep Your Business Ahead, Securely.

Introduction: Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transitioned from a futuristic concept to an essential tool for a modern business. However, as businesses rush to embrace this technology, they face a significant challenge: how to deploy advanced AI tools securely and...
Program in English

Program in English

Did you know that you can write LLM prompts as if they were programs? You can pretty much use any language you like, or make one up (pseudo-code) as long as it makes sense. The pattern-matching capabilities on a language model will determine what you are trying to... The Enterprise AI Frontend The Enterprise AI Frontend

SkyDeck AI is your interactive front end to a world of AI-powered tools, including Large Language Model (LLM). It has enterprise options that support your own pre-trained or fine-tuned version of Meta’s Llama 2, Stanford’s Alpaca LLM cross-trained on...
We’re a Front-end for your LLM Backend

We’re a Front-end for your LLM Backend

SkyDeck AI serves as an interactive AI front end, allowing seamless integration of your Large Language Model (LLM) into your AI team. You can employ your own pre-trained or fine-tuned version of Meta’s Llama 2, a version of Stanford’s Alpaca LLM...
Things to Consider When Deploying AI Tools

Things to Consider When Deploying AI Tools

Things to Consider When Deploying Generative AI Tools in Business: Safeguarding Safety, Security, and Privacy Generative AI has become a powerful tool for businesses, enabling them to streamline operations, improve customer experiences, and drive innovation. However,...